Odin bindings for SDL_shadercross, showcasing both online and offline shader compilation. Online shader compilation is done via the SDL_shadercross API, and offline via the shadercross binary file.
Brioche is a web application for a bakery / coffee shop. This instance is a demo version, and it was not properly tested. You can log in with the following users:
- john.doe@example: johndoe66666666
- alice.chains@example: alicechains9999
I like quite a lot of things about this project, but I couldn't implement a good UI/UX. It has a lot of issues, appearance-wise. This was the third implementation, which was created with the Elixir programming language and the Pheonix Framework. Here are a few things I like about it:
- It runs mainly on Phoenix LiveView
- It supports notifications with Phoenix Channels
- It plays audio with HOWLER.JS
- It supports proper Soft Deletion (thank you, José Valim)
- It operates in accordance with GDPR and anonymizes Personal Identifiable Information on account deletion
- It uses Ecto.Multi to pack operations that should be performed in a single database transaction. For example, when completing an order the user's cart must be emptied, but this holds true only if the order is completed successfully. Otherwise, the user's cart could be emptied even if the order was not completed. By packing multiple operations into one transaction, these issues can be avoided.
It also has other boring things like an authentication system, social log in (OAuth2), mailing system, admin routes... blah blah blah, you get the idea.
I could do so much more with this project, but I don't have the time right now... I still imagine this project as a fully interactive, near real-time application, but it's not there yet. And the UI... it needs to be redone from scratch.